Hola amigas, espero esten muy bien, yo estoy contenta porque a pesar de que llevo poco tiempo con el blog he tenido varias visitas y eso me motiva a seguir publicando.Lo único que quisiera es que me dejaran sus comentarios para saber que les gusta y que no, solo den clic en el titulo y en la parte de abajo les aparecerá publicar comentario y ahi me lo pueden dejar.
Pasando al look de hoy les muestro un vestido estampado de flores que es una de las tendencias de esta temporada, los zapatos los elegí en tono naranja para utilizar este color como base para combinar con los demas accesorios;los aretes son en dorado y se ven muy lindos;el collar y la pulsera son dorado con naranja; el anillo es dorado con negro y naranja, y la bolsa en negro. A mi me gusto mucho como quedó, espero a ustedes tambien. Que sigan teniendo lindo fin de semana.
Hello friends, hope you are fine, I'm happy because even though I have little time to blog I had several visits and that motivates me to continue publishing. All I want is to leave me your feedback to know that they like and not only to click on the title and on the bottom I will post a comment and you can leave me there.
Turning to the look of today I show you a flower-print dress is one of the trends this season, the shoes in the orange glow chose to use this color as a base to combine with other accessories, the earrings are gold and are very cute, the necklace and bracelet are gold with orange, the ring is gold with black and orange, and black bag. I really like how it turned out, I hope you too. They continue to have great weekend.
Greetings to the prox ...
Turning to the look of today I show you a flower-print dress is one of the trends this season, the shoes in the orange glow chose to use this color as a base to combine with other accessories, the earrings are gold and are very cute, the necklace and bracelet are gold with orange, the ring is gold with black and orange, and black bag. I really like how it turned out, I hope you too. They continue to have great weekend.
Greetings to the prox ...
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